Auf Wiedersehen
It's time to say goodbye to German centric posts. Not because Blogger has run out of material, which flows in his mind like the mighty Rhine, but because (according to my kick ass stat counter) quasi German humor attracts Dutch readers like posts about Decision Analysis Professor Franz Heukamp attracts Germans. This means something has gone terribly, terribly wrong. Horribly wrong. Tragically wrong.
That being said, I would like to offer a reward for anyone who can translate the following phrase:
ti che te tachet i tac, tacum i tac. mi tacĂ i tac a ti? tacasi ti i to tac!
The reward has yet to be determined, but may consist of one or several of the following:
1. Signed and personalized picture of Blogger in Speedo on Spanish coast.
2. 2005 tax returns prepared by Blogger (GATT standards only).
3. Candlelight dinner with Gorgeous George Ottathycal at a Barcelona restaurant of his choosing.
4. A decision analyzed by Decision Analysis Professor Franz Heukamp.
All entries are subject to independent verification.
In case of a tie, names will be placed in a hat, which will then be doused with gasoline, set on fire, and placed on Blogger's flatmate Francis Lewis' head while he is sleeping. Rules and regulations apply.
Not available in Holland or the Netherlands.
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